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How to stay happy as a teen

Life can be hard. I know. Sometimes, you feel the world is set against you. I am known to most people as a very positive and happy-go-lucky person and that is true. But like all teens, I have my lows too so here are some things I do to lift my mood and regain my focus.

1) Verbalise how you feel. Normally, we tend to keep our emotions bottled up inside us and soon enough, the pressure starts to take a toll on us. One of the main methods to let off steam is to verbalise your emotions whether it be in writing e.g. poetry or a diary or physically e.g. talking to a friend or loved one. This allows you to truly connect with how you are feeling and get all the negativity out of your system.

2) Distract yourself. Sometimes all those emotions may just be the hormones talking so maybe watch some YouTube or Netflix and soon enough, you might start to feel better and you probably just needed some time to cool down.

3) Try CBT on yourself. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is used by many therapists to help patients rationalise negative thoughts. There are many books and online resources to guide you through the steps on how to do this on yourself and trust me, it will help ease any anxiety you have.

4) Exercise. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins which interact with the receptors in your brain so it triggers a positive feeling in the body. Also, it keeps you motivated for the rest of the day so it stops your mood from dipping.

5) Eat chocolate. Ok, I totally made this one up but it works for me!

6) Develop a positive mindset. As teens we usually think the cup is half empty rather than half full so always catch yourself out when you are being pessimistic and ask yourself how you could put that thought more positively. A new mindset will only come about with time so have patience and perseverance and you will reap the benefits.

7) Sleeeeeeeeeep! Yes I know you have binge watched a film or Netflix series at 1am and though it may seem good at the time, doing this repeatedly will cause a strain on you both physically and mentally. If you really want to watch a film or series, go to bed early and wake up early. I know that seems impossible and that us teens are programmed to be night owls but trust me, waking up before everyone else in the house gives you some time alone and you will feel refreshed with a good night's sleep.

8) Know that you are not alone. It is really easy to fall into the illusion that only you are going through tough times, especially you compare your life to others on social media. However, have a think, if you don't put pictures of yourself online when you are sad, nobody else will either. People project the best parts of their life online not their normal everyday life. Maybe have a week long social media cleanse and see how you feel. Maybe you find that it was the cause of your anxiety and if so, you can make changes to your life to combat that.

Thank you for reading this and visiting my tiny corner of the internet. I hope these tips have helped you and in the wise words of Doctor Mike, stay happy and healthy!

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